CEO, Valor Venture Capital Fund
He graduated at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration as a financial investment analyst and risk manager in 2003. He has more than 12-years experience in venture capital and private equity investments, as well as, strategic and financial management of companies. Between 2003 and 2007 he worked for the Hungarian Development Bank (MFB) and MFB Invest Zrt. His position was investment analyst, he was responsible for the analysis of development plans, company valuation, the support of the operation of the portfolio companies, and the exit from the investments. He is working for Cashline Group since 2007 as a portfolio-manager, active in the deal flow generation, project analysis, valuation, management of the entire investment and exit process, as well as, strategic management of the portfolio companies. Since 2012 he is responsible for the venture capital activity of Cashline Group, and is the CEO of Valor Capital. He completed a Ph.D. Program at Corvinus University of Budapest, on the Department of Environmental Sciences and Technology in 2015. His research topics are environmental innovations and patents. He is managing director and board member of numerous Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises.