Balázs Garamvölgyi graduated from Corvinus University of Budapest in 1998. He started his banking career as Relationship Manager at CIB Bank and continued in several commercial banks. From 2005 he managed the area of SME Financing in Hungarian Savings Cooparative Bank Ltd. (Takarékbank) for almost 5 years. In 2010 he entered Venture Finance Hungary Plc. (MV Zrt.) where he was responsible for coordinating and expanding business and related product sales and development. From 2013 he was the CEO of the company. At the time of setting up the MFB Points, he was the Strategic and EU Project Director of B3 Savings Cooperative, then he founded and became the CEO of Urban Fund Manager Ltd. (Városi Alapkezelő Zrt.) in Kecskemét, which was a unique and unprecedented financial company in Europe which managed the HUF 25 billion Kecskemét Development Fund, the first Hungarian urban fund. From September 2018 he has been the CEO of MFB Invest Ltd.